Benefits Costs on the Rise

The Rising Cost of Benefits and How Your PEO Can Help

With workers increasingly gravitating to jobs that offer a full range of benefits, it’s no surprise that health insurance, 401(k)s, HSAs, and other program options are becoming standard offerings, even for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). However, with health insurance costing an average of 8% of an employee’s annual salary and total benefits packages topping […]

Benefits to Help You Recruit and Retain Top Talent

Benefits to Help You Recruit and Retain Top Talent

A high salary can be a big draw when advertising a new position or enticing a current employee to stay, however, many applicants and employees value the benefits that a company offers just as highly as their paycheck. While many small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) may not be able to keep pace with the salaries […]

The Benefits of a PEO – Group Healthcare Coverage

The Benefits of a PEO – Group Healthcare Coverage

The large employee group constituted by multiple employers’ participation in the PEO opens up access to spectacular cost savings for employers, due to economies of scale that group buying creates. Typically only large companies are able to gain access to the best, most cost-effective insurance plans due to their size and the negotiating power it […]

Competitive Job Market – Offer These Employee Benefits

Competitive Job Market - Offer These Employee Benefits

As any human resources professionals can tell you, employee benefits play an important role in making your business more competitive in a hot job market, but they can be a win-win in other areas as well. An attractive employee benefits package can give you a leg up on the competition and increase your company’s productivity. […]

Healthcare Costs and the Power of a PEO

Healthcare Costs and the Power of a PEO

Today’s employers are using unique alternative cost strategies to cut their group healthcare expense. Starting and growing a business is an enterprise full of financial pitfalls and uncertainties, but employee healthcare benefit costs don’t have to add to that burden. There are an abundance of new insights and strategies available for benefit cost-containment. Through collaboration […]

How to Find the Best Healthcare Providers

Best Healthcare Providers

The performance of the healthcare providers that you work with in the course of a workers’ compensation claim contributes significantly to the outcome for your workers. The most successful providers are able to produce positive outcomes for injured employees while helping control indemnity costs and reducing recidivism by developing a course of treatment that fully […]

Heart Healthy Benefits for Your Employees

Heart Healthy Benefits

As we continue our journey through National Heart Month, it’s time to consider the heart healthy benefits that your company can offer to its employees. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S., so keeping employees healthy and active is important. Providing the right mix of benefits for your employees can significantly […]

Flexible Work Policy Considerations

Flexible Work Policy

As younger workers, particularly Millennials and Gen Z, have come to see a greater work-life balance as non-negotiable, flexible work policies can be your company’s ticket to attracting and retaining the best talent from this growing pool of workers. When implemented well, flexible work arrangements also allow businesses to improve working conditions, reduce operating costs, […]

Evaluating Your Compensation Plan

Compensation Plan

A compensation plan refers to all the components of your compensation package, including wages, benefits, incentives, potential bonuses, and future salary increases. To attract and retain the top talent in your industry, you need a competitive compensation package. The best way to ensure that your business stays competitive with recruitment and retention is to develop […]

Preparing for Open Enrollment

Preparing for Open Enrollment

Open enrollment is a period each year when employees can sign up for their company-sponsored health plan. With new laws, use of electronic filing options, and other regulations, open enrollment can be a confusing time for many employers and their employees. Proper planning for and taking advantage of the educational opportunities of the open enrollment […]